You might think that the upcoming winter season means you don’t have to worry about unwanted body hair – but if you have excess facial hair, you may be more self-conscious than ever. This excessive growth can happen for a number of reasons: hormones, genetics, and even certain medications can stimulate facial hair production.
But no matter what the reasons why you have excessive facial hair, you know one thing – you want it gone for good.
That’s why you should immediately make an appointment for facial laser hair removal at A Beautiful You Medical Spa!
A Beautiful You Medical Spa Advanced Hair Removal Treatments
Facial hair can be a significant cause of low self-esteem for many women. What’s more, hair removal via shaving, plucking, and electrolysis can be painful and time-consuming to keep up with. That’s why A Beautiful You Medical Spa developed a lightning-fast, innovative hair removal treatment that helps you get the smooth, hair-free appearance you’ve been after.
Located in Memphis, Tennessee, A Beautiful You Medical Spa is the premier destination for painless facial laser hair removal. The facial laser hair removal treatment targets melanin, which is the pigment that provides color to hair follicles. During the laser hair removal treatment, the laser targets the melanin to deactivate the pigment, which stopping hair follicle growth altogether.
The A Beautiful You Medical Spa facial hair removal procedure utilizes the following steps:
- Cooling: A cooling gel is applied to the target area to keep the patient comfortable during treatment.
- Heating: The laser light’s energy is converted to heat when it comes into contact with the patient’s hair follicles.
- Targeting: The heat energy destroys the follicle’s melanin, inhibiting hair growth and fading the follicle’s pigment.
- Removing: The heat eventually causes the hair follicle to come out, creating a silky-smooth appearance.
What’s more, this treatment ensures that the skin and surrounding tissues remain safe from overheating.