You may be diligent about your anti-aging skincare regimen. You regularly moisturize your face and neck. You apply anti-wrinkle cream before going to bed at night, and always slather on sunscreen when heading outside. You even invest in regular facials, which has helped your skin look younger than your years.
Unfortunately, if you’re ignoring how your hands look, people might still be able to guess your true age.
Your hands tend to age much more rapidly over time, due to their paper-thin skin tissue. What’s more, hands tend to go through repeated and exaggerated movements (like when you type on a computer or text on your phone). All of this activity – combined with collagen loss as a result of the aging process – can add up to hands that look veiny, wrinkled, and old.
Fortunately, your hands don’t have to give away your secret for much longer – because A Beautiful You Medical Spa Memphis, Tennessee can help you achieve younger-looking hands. Here’s how:
- Treat Scars and Brown Spots First. Hands tend to be the first place where brown spots (hyperpigmentation) develop, as people tend to skip applying sunscreen to their hands. That’s why it’s important to treat scars and brown spots on the hands first.
At A Beautiful You Medical Spa, we use Pixel Laser technology to help eliminate those aging brown spots and scars. The Pixel Laser uses a gentle heating sensation, which helps kick-start collagen production. This effect increases cellular turnover, which leads to younger-looking hands in less time. After several treatments, you’ll notice that your scars have faded and your brown spots have practically disappeared.
- Target Hand Wrinkles. Hands can develop wrinkles rather easily, thanks to repeated and exaggerated movements. Add to the fact that hands are often exposed to the sun on a regular basis, and it’s no wonder your hands might be more wrinkled than your face or neck.
The experts at A Beautiful You Medical Spa use Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) to target and treatment these wrinkles. It’s a non-invasive procedure that targets sun damage, increases cellular turnover, and helps tighten your skin.