Your stretch marks are holding you back from wearing midriff tops with hip huggers. You may not have worn a two-piece bathing suit for some time. Summer will be here soon, and you don’t want to pass on the bathing suits you like because of stretch marks.
There’s a way to minimize those stretch marks using modern technology. At A Beautiful You Medical Spa, we offer noninvasive skin tightening treatments using plasma or laser energy to firm up that loose skin forming horizontal lines on your abdomen.
Our medical aestheticians are ready to smooth those lines away. Venus Legacy has an additional benefit. It gives you two treatments in one: skin tightening and body contouring.
How did stretch marks form on my body?
Pregnancy and weight gain are two common reasons why you develop stretch marks.
Your skin’s underlayer, called the dermis, is composed of fibers of tissue containing collagen, a key protein that keeps your skin healthy and firm. But weight gain makes the collagen fibers stretch to the point that they break.
The broken collagen fibers allow the blood vessels just under the surface of your skin to become visible. At first, the stretch marks may be a darker color than your skin, but as they fade, they turn lighter than the surrounding skin, forming long, visible scars.
Both men and women can get stretch marks from the stretched tissue after significant weight gain.
We use the following three tools to diminish your stretch marks, in tandem or separately depending on your skin’s condition: Opus plasma®; the Subnovii plasma pen; and Pixel.
Opus plasma®
Use of plasma is a groundbreaking technology in the aesthetics industry. Opus plasma was the first FDA-cleared method to use fractional plasma technology to improve your skin’s texture.
Opus combines the use of radiofrequency energy with plasma to stimulate collagen production, a key protein that stimulates the growth of new skin cells.
The term “fractional” means that the device targets only part of your skin’s surface. The microscopic wounds are separate from each other, and surrounding tissue is unharmed.
Subnovii plasma
The Subnovii plasma pen stimulates the development of collagen as well. It tightens the skin and can diminish the appearance of your stretch marks. It’s noninvasive; the pen doesn’t touch your skin.
The noninvasive Pixel fractional laser device sends pulses of light energy into your skin, creating microscopic wounds. This process also stimulates the development of new collagen, which eventually produces new, smooth skin. It tightens the skin at the same time.
You no longer have to be embarrassed by your stretch marks. Call our Memphis, Tennessee, medical spa to book an appointment or contact us online to minimize the appearance of stretch marks and gain firmer and tighter skin.