How to Reduce Stomach Fat Without Surgery

Summer is just a few weeks away – and that means it’s time to reveal your beach body.  But if you’re still in winter mode, don’t worry; there’s still time to contour your body without having to result to invasive surgery.

Just a few decades ago, your fat reduction options were limited: You’d either have to go through rigorous diet and exercise (and hope for the best), or undergo a liposuction procedure, which is timely, expensive, and involves an intense amount of recovery.  Now, you can reduce stomach fat without requiring surgery, which is why so many people are visiting A Beautiful You Medical Spa in Memphis, Tennessee.

Accent XL Laser for Fat Reduction

At A Beautiful You Medical Spa, we offer an innovative fat reduction treatment that makes it possible for you to experience superior contouring without invasive surgery.  The Accent XL Laser is an FDA-approved device that used to tighten skin as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite.  Regular Accent XL Laser treatments can shrink the treatment area, which is perfect for trouble spots that might not respond to diet and exercise (including arms, thighs, stomach, and buttocks).

The Accent XL Laser delivers heat to the subdermal tissue, which causes the collagen fibers within the skin to contract.  As this occurs, the treatment area shrinks, giving a more contoured and slim appearance. In addition to contouring the body, the Accent XL Laser can make your skin look younger – it’s truly a win-win treatment!

What to Expect

If you’re ready to reduce stomach fat (or any other treatment area) without surgery, here’s what you can expect when you visit A Beautiful You Medical Spa:

  • A technician will apply a special oil to your stomach;
  • The technician will use two Accent XL handpieces to deliver various levels of thermal energy for maximum impact;
  • The oil is cleaned away after treatment; and
  • You schedule your next treatment!

There’s virtually no downtime with this treatment; however, you will need to undergo several sessions in order to see significant inch loss.