miraDry® is the only non-invasive, FDA approved treatment in the market. This procedure has been tested and proven to dramatically and permanently reduce sweat and to provide long-lasting results. This quick, non-invasive treatment delivers heat and energy directly to the sweat and odor glands in the underarm area to reduce sweat by blocking the signal that turns on the body’s sweat glands in the area where it’s injected.

With just one or two treatments and minimal downtime, our patients who have opted for the miraDry treatment have experience an average 83% reduction in underarm sweat and body odor.  miraDry has been used in over 140,000 treatments worldwide and is completely safe.

After your treatment, we suggest you wrap frozen water bottles or ice packs in a wet paper towel and apply them to the treated area for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Be sure to wrap the ice packs, as placing them immediately on the skin may cause frostbite. Ibuprofen or Tylenol can also be taken for discomfort.

Your underarms may be tender for up to 6 weeks as they heal from this procedure. We recommend that you avoid shaving until the tenderness has reduced enough for your comfort level.

miradry can also be used effectively and safely on the face, scalp, palms, and groin.

Contact A Beautiful You Medical Spa Today. Call or Text 901-683-8220 clientservices@abeautifulyoumedicalspa.com

Founder – City Chic Living