Are you looking for an effective body contouring treatment that reduces unwanted bulges in trouble spots that just won’t go away? Even though you exercise and eat a healthy diet, sometimes stubborn fat just stays put.
Our expert aesthetics staff with A Beautiful You Medical Spa offer both SculpSure® and EMSCULPT NEO® body contouring treatments. These proven brands smooth out bulges. The final results leave you with the kind of curves you want to see.
How SculpSure body contouring works
As you lie comfortably on a table, we place an applicator over the treatment areas and secure it with a belt. SculpSure uses laser energy to destroy the structure of fat cells in the treated areas. The system has a built-in cooling system so your body doesn’t get too warm.
Once the treated fat cells die, they don’t come back. Your lymph system removes the dead cells over the following few weeks. You could see up to a 24% reduction in body fat in the treated area with each session.
You may be satisfied with one SculpSure treatment or you may want one or two more. You see the final results of each treatment 6-12 weeks afterward.
SculpSure can save you time and money compared to other body contouring systems because we can treat more than one area of your body at the same time.
SculpSure reduces fat on these body areas
SculpSure’s laser energy works on fat in these areas:
- Abdomen
- Flanks (love handles)
- Back
- Inner and outer thighs
- Fat under the chin
How EMSCULPT NEO works to reduce fat and build muscle
EMSCULPT NEO is a noninvasive body contouring system that not only reduces fat in your trouble spots, but it also helps build muscle.
EMSCULPT Neo uses radiofrequency energy to destroy fat cells while simultaneously using high-intensity electromagnetic energy to develop increased muscle tone. It’s the first system to use both technologies at the same time for a double body benefit.
EMSCULPT Neo contracts your muscles more rapidly than you can achieve during a workout. The treatment can yield up to a 25% increase in muscle. An EMSCULPT Neo session only takes 30 minutes.
What areas can EMSCULPT Neo treat?
EMSCULPT Neo treats the following areas and is effective on those with a BMI up to 35:
- Upper arms
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
- Thighs
- Calves
Call our Memphis, Tennessee, medical spa or request an appointment through our online portal today. We’re here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.